Ahhh, chocolates! I don't know about you guys but I believe they're gods gift to humanity. No matter how many people tell me that they're bad for me, chocolates will always be my favourite comfort food or non-comfort food (as if I need a reason! Hah!). When I'm down and is needing a quick ticket to downtown happy, I make myself a cup of hot soy chocolate or I grab myself a slice or two of my favourite local chocolate brands like Malagos and Cacao de Davao.
But do I really need an excuse to have my delicious fix of cacao? I don't think so! Even there are days when I just do it the moment I open my eyes in the morning and in this case, I prefer chocolate smoothies - in any size or form, be it in a bowl or a massive mason jar.
Like seriously, look at this jarful of awesomeness and tell me that this hasn't taken you yet to a chocolate dreamland and I swear the moment you get to taste this, you'd never doubt my words ever again. Maybe.
The good thing about this smoothie is no matter how sinful this looks like, it isn't that bad for you. But who am I to say this though, I'm just a person in need of a cure of this long overdue cacao addiction. But I'm going to label this as 'healthy' anyway just basing on the fact that this is just made with blended frozen bananas and cacao powder. Do I need to remind you how good bananas are for you - a whole lot of carbohydrates, fibers and uhm hello, potassium? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Some people believe that cacao is bad for you and there also some who believe that it is a good antioxidant. What I know is that cacao in its purest form is fine especially the raw organic ones, as long as it's not sugar-laden and mixed with dairy products, they should be okay to consume in moderation. Everything in excess is bad for you anyway, even superfoods.
As for what I believe in? I believe in chocolates for breakfast!
Chocolate Dream Smoothie
5 medium-sized frozen bananas
1 tbsp water
1 tbsp cacao powder
* Toppings and ** cacao drizzles optional (just go crazy!)
Blend bananas & cacao together in a food processor.
Add water until thoroughly mix but make sure not to overblend so it's not watery or melted.
Sprinkle preferred toppings. Serve and enjoy.
* Toppings that I used were pepitas, chia seeds, goji berries and coconut shreds.
** Cacao Ganache Recipe
2 tbsp raw organic cacao powder
1 tbsp raw dark agave nectar
1 tbsp coconut oil
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and drizzle using a teaspoon.
But do I really need an excuse to have my delicious fix of cacao? I don't think so! Even there are days when I just do it the moment I open my eyes in the morning and in this case, I prefer chocolate smoothies - in any size or form, be it in a bowl or a massive mason jar.
Like seriously, look at this jarful of awesomeness and tell me that this hasn't taken you yet to a chocolate dreamland and I swear the moment you get to taste this, you'd never doubt my words ever again. Maybe.
The good thing about this smoothie is no matter how sinful this looks like, it isn't that bad for you. But who am I to say this though, I'm just a person in need of a cure of this long overdue cacao addiction. But I'm going to label this as 'healthy' anyway just basing on the fact that this is just made with blended frozen bananas and cacao powder. Do I need to remind you how good bananas are for you - a whole lot of carbohydrates, fibers and uhm hello, potassium? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Some people believe that cacao is bad for you and there also some who believe that it is a good antioxidant. What I know is that cacao in its purest form is fine especially the raw organic ones, as long as it's not sugar-laden and mixed with dairy products, they should be okay to consume in moderation. Everything in excess is bad for you anyway, even superfoods.
As for what I believe in? I believe in chocolates for breakfast!
Chocolate Dream Smoothie
5 medium-sized frozen bananas
1 tbsp water
1 tbsp cacao powder
* Toppings and ** cacao drizzles optional (just go crazy!)
Blend bananas & cacao together in a food processor.
Add water until thoroughly mix but make sure not to overblend so it's not watery or melted.
Sprinkle preferred toppings. Serve and enjoy.
* Toppings that I used were pepitas, chia seeds, goji berries and coconut shreds.
** Cacao Ganache Recipe
2 tbsp raw organic cacao powder
1 tbsp raw dark agave nectar
1 tbsp coconut oil
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and drizzle using a teaspoon.